Students in possession of a qualification obtained abroad will be able to send the enrollment application only after completing the form at the following link: and having received confirmation of the qualification's suitability by the Welcome Office.
Inside the form, in the "Course chosen at LUMSA" section, they must select the following course: MSDG Management of Sustainable Development Goals.


Important dates:

  • Admission notification 
    • with scholarship: rolling until the 30th of September 2024 
    • without scholarship: rolling until the 31st of October 2024 

    “Documentation”- period*: 15th of October 2024 - 30th of January 2025(required for the Enrolment) 

  • Enrolment Period: 15th of October 2024 - 30th of January 2025
  • Enrolment Deadline: 30th January 2025

(*) During such period the student should apply for VISA, for CIMEA (or obtaining a Declaration of Value) and apply for an Italian Fiscal Code (to be obtained only after the VISA)

LUMSA has no responsibilities for delays or loss of communications due to incorrect personal details given by the applicants or due to late communications upon changes of personal details, nor for any postal or telegraph mistakes, or which can be attributable to third parties, or due to fortuitous cases or force majeure episodes
The Master enrolment is incompatible with simultaneous enrolments to other Master, degrees, advanced courses, specialization and PhD schools

Enrolment form

Only those applicants who have been formally offered a place in the program are required to download the Enrollment form complete the enrollment procedure within 15 days from the offer notification date (further instruction will be available here.

Enrolment documents to attach:

The Enrollment procedure requires the student to acquire several documents. The collection of the following documents should be addressed during the “Documentation”- period (15th of October 2024 - 30th of January 2025):

  • Enrollment form duly completed and signed by the applicant.
  • Copies of Identification Document (Passport or Carta d’ identità) and fiscal code
    - For EU citizen: copy of the European Identity Card and/or Passport
    - For Extra-European citizen: copy of the residential permit or copy of the appointment to the Police Headquarter for the permit; copy of the passport and of the VISA.
  • Self-certification of the university degree duly signed or its certification including the degree mark (for Italian students).
  • If in possession of a qualification obtained abroad, it is necessary to attach
    the final degree in original (i.e. Bachelor) or a certified copy,
    its legal translation in Italian (for documents issued in languages different by English, French, Spanish) and
    the Statement of comparability issued by CIMEA ENIC-NARIC center or by the diploma supplement issued by the university with an English version (just in case of European Universities). The Statement of Comparability can be replaced by the “Dichiarazione di valore” (Declaration of value) issued by the Italian Embassy/Consulate of the country of study. 
    For European Degree, please attach only the Diploma supplement.
  • Legalization or Apostille of the final degree obtained. The legalization can be replaced by the Statement of verification of CIMEA ENIC-NARIC. The enrollment is subject to evaluation of degree elegibility by the academic bodies.
  • Degrees issued by university institutes of ecclesiastical studies located in Italy and approved by the Holy See: students in possession of these degrees must attach a copy of them endorsed by the competent ecclesiastical authorities and duly legalized by the Prefecture of Rome- Ufficio Bollo (for further info, visit the website: C.E.C. - Congregazione per l’Educazione Cattolica). Applicants must produce the original at the time of actual registration.
  • Foreign students must also send the high school diploma obtained with at least 12 years of schooling, to which the following must be added:
    Scanning copy of the high school diploma.
    CIMEA Certificate of Comparability or Declaration of Validity issued by the Italian Embassy of the country of study.
    CIMEA Certificate of Verification or Apostille issued by the Italian Embassy of the country of study
    Sworn/legalized translation into Italian (only for documents written in languages other than English, French, Spanish, German).
  • Copy of the Receipt of the first installment (refundable only in case the program is not activated) to be paid via bank transfers as follows: LUMSA - Intesa Sanpaolo
    Codice IBAN IT 43 S 03069 05238 100000001983
    (in the object of the transfer, please specify First Name and Family Name of the candidate, and Master in MSDG). The registration fees remain outside the scope of VAT, therefore, no invoice can be issued.
  • Picture (JPEG) with the following characteristics: recent and clear close-up photo, width of 35-40 mm; HD, clear and plain background, max 5 Mbyte
  • In case of any renunciation the applicant is not entitled to a refund of the installments paid. The renunciation does not exempt from the payment of the entire amount of the registration fee.


    Enrolment is incompatible with other enrolments in Degree Courses, Masters, Specialization Courses, Specialization Schools, and PhD.